Here’s something you need to realize early in life. And the sooner you realize it, the better off you will be. You are Uniquely You! You are not me. Regardless of how much we have in common, you are YOU. You have your own purpose in life. Much like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, you were made for a very specific place in the puzzle’s image. There are several pieces that are similar in size, shape, and color, but none of them will fit into the spot cut perfectly for you.
You are an incredible person, with your own individual strengths, weaknesses, and gifts. Spend time in meditation, prayer, and reflection getting to know yourself. You may not immediately realize your life’s purpose, but as several of my Southern elders have said to me, “…you just keep on living.” Much like the puzzle, the more pieces you put in the right places, the more the image will take shape. Before long, all the pieces won’t look like odd shapes, but instead a complete work of art.
If you find this hard to believe, go find a puzzle. Some of the answers to life’s biggest challenges are simple, but not easy. Go Pursue Hard Things!!